
Gao Zhidan, director of the General Administration: Revitalize “three big-ball sports” and play a good role in football.

BEIJING, March 12 (Zhongxin Finance and Economics Wu Jiaju) “Realistically speaking, for a long time, the development of China’s ‘three big-ball sports ‘, especially men’s projects, has not been satisfactory, and the level of men’s football has declined all the way, there are even many chaos in the football industry.”

On March 12, Gao Zhidan, director of the State General Administration of Sports, responded to issues related to the revitalization of the “three big-ball sports” at the third “ministerial channel” of the national two sessions in 2023. He said that he resolutely cracked down on and severely punished corruption and false gambling in football and other fields. To revitalize “three big-ball sports” and play a good role in football, we must strengthen our foundation and build a strong talent Foundation.

“Three big-ball sports” contains patriotism

Gao Zhidan said that football, basketball and volleyball “three big-ball sports” collective ball games have a large population and great social influence, and are deeply influenced by the broad masses of the people, especially the love of teenagers. The result of “three big-ball sports” competition is not only the outcome of a competition, but also reflects the spirit of collectivism and contains patriotism.

He introduced that in history, China’s “three big-ball sports”, especially women’s projects, has achieved good results in the world.

The Chinese women’s football team once won the runner-up of the Olympic Games and the World Cup, and was praised as “beautiful and energetic policewoman”.

China won medals in the Olympic Games and world championships in the 1980 s and 1990 s in women’s basketball, and won the runner-up of the World Cup last year, showing a good momentum of continuous progress and development.

The Chinese women’s volleyball team, which was tempered by hard work, continued to struggle from generation to generation. In three of the world’s greatest matches, it won the World Championship ten times and won the honor for the motherland. They have inspired generations of Chinese with the spirit of “motherland first, unity and cooperation, tenacious struggle and never say die”, which is the spirit of struggle and hard work, make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Severely punish corruption and false gambling in football and other fields

“but realistically speaking, for a long time, the development of ‘three big-ball sports ‘in our country, especially men’s projects, has not been satisfactory, the level of men’s football has declined all the way, and there may even be many chaos in the football industry.”

Gao Zhidan pointed out that “three big-ball sports” is a symbol of a strong sports country, and it is also a short board that we must make up to accelerate the construction of a strong sports country.

“In the recent period, we have been deeply reflecting on the serious problems in the field of football, studying solutions and approaches, and preparing for ideological education, style construction, deepening reform, do a good job in the current work and other aspects of systematic governance, and in the spirit of re-marching the long journey, do a solid job in the work of ‘three big-ball sports.”

Gao Zhidan stressed that we should use strong medicine to deal with the disorder and resolve to rectify the disorder, focus on the outstanding problems existing in the current “three big-ball sports” work, such as doldrums, lack of integrity, and poor style, and constantly change our style, strong responsibility and implementation.

“Resolutely crack down on and severely punish corruption and false gambling in football and other fields. We are strict with discipline, strict discipline, perfect system and strengthen rules, fully repair and reconstruct the healthy and sustainable ecosystem of ‘three big-ball sports.”

Let more excellent backup seedlings be cultivated and transported

Gao Zhidan said that at present, the reform of football and basketball has entered the deep water area, and the task of deepening reform and achieving breakthrough is arduous and heavy, we should unswervingly take the road of reform, innovation and development, further emancipate our minds, keep positive and innovate, and start with the construction of management system, talent system, training system, competition system and guarantee system, constantly improve the development path of “three big-ball sports” with Chinese characteristics.

We must face up to problems, strengthen confidence, face difficulties, accurately understand and implement policies and measures such as the “overall plan for the reform and development of Chinese football”, and promote the modernization of the “three big-ball sports” governance system and governance capability, promote the standardized development of league governance system. We will firmly and orderly follow the path of China’s “three big-ball sports” development and reform.

He pointed out that to revitalize the “three big-ball sports” and play a good role in football, we must strengthen our foundation and build a strong talent Foundation.

We should sink our hearts, start from dolls, give full play to the advantages of the national system, make good use of the vitality of the market mechanism, promote the healthy development of campus football, and promote the large-scale growth of youth football talents, consolidate the foundation of reserve talents.

We should start from the grassroots level, actively support the development of cultivating youth football clubs, and give more support and guarantee to social football in terms of policies, funds, talents, etc, promote positive interaction between social football and professional football.

We should start from the foundation, constantly improve the football competition system and professional league system, and smooth the growth channel of outstanding seedlings from campus football, social football to professional football, let more excellent backup seedlings be cultivated and transported.

In the process of grasping the reserve talents, we must resolutely abandon the mentality of quick success and instant benefits, and build the path and channel for the cultivation and growth of reserve talents step by step. It has been a long time to make contributions and revitalize Chinese football. (Finished)

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