
Ning Zetao, who has faded out of our sight for a long time, has just turned 30 today……

Beijing, Beijing, March 6 (reporter Xing Rui) Ning Zetao, who was once powerful in the Chinese swimming world, was celebrating his 30th birthday today. Now when this name is mentioned again, many swimming fans will have a familiar strangeness. Since his retirement, Ning Zetao has almost disappeared in public view. Last month, he “returned” in an unexpected way “.

When the pointer of time passes by today and Ning Zetao enters the year of standing, can it open up a new world?

At the end of come to fame in an activity

at the end of February, the news that Ning Zetao signed up for the China Golf Tour spread widely on the Internet. According to the official website of the China Tour, Ning Zetao participated in the 2023 China Tour International public qualifier held in Danzhou, Hainan on March 20-25. Although they are all sports fields, the appearance of this former swimming star still makes people feel like a sense of separation from the world.

30-year-old Ning Zetao, swimming once occupied most of his life. I still remember that in Kazan, Russia eight years ago, Ning Zetao, who was only 22 years old at that time, won the gold medal in the men’s 100-meter freestyle with a score of 47 seconds 84, becoming the first world champion in Asia.

“Ning Zetao, you are the flagship in the water!”

The comment of TV commentary with sound sound still echoed in my ears, including how many Chinese people expect the rise of China’s short-distance swimming, a pool of clear water in Kazan Central Stadium, it also achieved the highest light moment of Ning Zetao’s career.

The years are long and the time is like a stream. The “Battle of sealing the gods” of Ning Zetao gradually hides in people’s memory with the rolling forward historical wheel. After retirement, Ning Zetao stayed away from the noise of the Internet, and fans could only spy on his recent situation from social media that he did not update frequently.

Ning Zetao cross-border Golf, in fact, there are already clues to be found. In September, 2019, Ning Zetao appeared at the scene of the China Tour Beijing Tianxing station. He wrote in a dynamic: “Everyone knows me in the water, and I swim to my peak in the water. I prefer to see the world outside the swimming pool. Leaving the water, my freestyle has just begun.”

Turn around and leave

It is still unknown whether Ning Zetao’s golf career will achieve as bright as swimming. But today, four years ago, his declaration of retirement once ended all the expectations related to Chinese swimming.

“Not afraid of the past, not afraid of the future! Say goodbye to the clear water in the swimming pool and start a new life.” On the 26th birthday, Ning Zetao left such a passage to end the glory and twists and turns.

From inchuan Asian Games to four gold medals, and then to Kazan world championship to create history, Ning Zetao became a hot sports star at that time. At the same time, the disturbance outside the court pushed him to the forefront of public opinion.

Under the involvement of various interests, he fell into various contradictions with sponsors and swimming centers, and was once adjusted out of the national team.

Ning Zetao, who has experienced various changes, finally stepped onto the Rio Olympic Games. However, three of the four projects he participated in did not enter the final. The only man who entered the final was the 4x 100 m medley relay, but the result was canceled because of the handover foul of 2 and 3 sticks. His trip to Rio ended in a bleak shadow.

After the Rio Olympics, the CCTV documentary “turning point” was broadcast. Ning Zetao told the public about his experience there and said bluntly, “I have seen the ugliness of human nature clearly.” That year, he was only 23 years old.

At a young age, he suffered ups and downs. Perhaps some experiences wiped out Ning Zetao’s love for swimming and made him leave the swimming pool early. But the world is not “Black or White”, just as the teacher of Ning Zetao, coach Ye Jin said in the documentary: “Athletes have the idea of athletes, countries have the idea of the country, swimming Center leaders, they have the idea of swimming center leaders.” Standing in different positions, the views on the same incident are naturally quite different.

The past cannot be defeated, and the comers can still chase. Ning Zetao, who has experienced ups and downs, is still young and has more insights into life and future. He once wrote on social media: “Life is a journey against the wind. Facing life, the best mentality is to live yourself. Be brave! Be careful! Head down with firm steps, head up with clear distance.”

Whether right or wrong, fortunately, Ning Zetao has been far away from the vortex of public opinion. The past is dark and untraceable, but the road is still bright and bright. Without the containment of long guns and short guns in the media and the “examination” like a magnifying glass from the outside world, he can finally live at will.

I wish Ning Zetao would have no haze in the future, and all of them would be sunny. (Finished)

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