
Jankovic has been unanimously recognized by the expert group that the new coach of the national football team will not be concurrently appointed.

Yankovic was unanimously approved by the expert group

the new coach will not be the national football team and the asian games team will pick them together

at 12:20 on february 14, the chinese men’s football asian games team left the station in sanshui district, foshan city, take the China Southern flight at 03:35 P.M. Beijing time to leave Guangzhou and fly to Dubai, UAE to train and warm up. The night before the team set off, as the main candidate of the new coach of the Chinese men’s football team, the current Serbian coach of the Asian men’s football team Yankovic accepted Xu Genbao, Shen Xiangfu, collective interviews of coach experts of the technical committee of China Football Association such as Wei Kexing. Jankovic’s coaching ability was finally recognized by the expert group.

However, whether he can eventually become the new coach of the national football team still needs to be determined through strict procedures. What is certain is that if Yankovic confirms to take over the national football team, then the Chinese Football Association will not arrange Jankovic to have two posts, and will choose another foreign teacher to lead the men’s football Asian Games team, candidates for this position also receive online interviews from the expert group.

Yankovic is the first candidate

according to the plan, the Chinese men’s football Asian Games team promoted to the first place in the 2023th season on the afternoon of the 13th (the second place in the last season) after the only teaching game that Dandong Tengyue team conducted this stage of Foshan training, he set off from Guangzhou on the afternoon of the 14th and went to Dubai, UAE to train and warm up. On the night after the warm-up match, the Chinese Football Association organized a special meeting on the national football coach selection work in the team.

It is understood that in order to implement the reorganization of the chinese men’s football team as soon as possible, we will fully cooperate with the team in preparing for the top 36 games in asia in fifa world cup qualification and the asian cup in 2023, since the second half of last year, the Chinese Football Association has started to find a new foreign coach for the team. In this process, due to factors such as the willingness to cooperate between the Chinese Football Association and the target candidates, the price of cooperation, the differences between the concept of cooperation and the target, the job of selecting a coach is not smooth, hot candidates such as Queiroz cannot be put in place. Until the Lunar New Year, there is no substantial progress in the job selection. Considering that it is urgent for the national football team to prepare for the battle, the Chinese Football Association decided to carry out the job of selecting a coach through the internal excavation of the existing resources in domestic football. As one of the foreign candidate coaches, Jankovic has become the main candidate, or the first candidate.

Chen Yang Zheng Zhi was invited to make comments on the election manager

The Chinese Football Association held this election manager meeting in the training place of Foshan men’s Asian Games team, which was exactly the necessary interview for Jankovic according to the rules and procedures. It is understood that in order to ensure the compliance and preciseness of the coach selection, the Chinese Football Association specially invited Xu Genbao, Shen Xiangfu and Wei Kexing as the “chief examiners” for the coach selection interview “, at the same time, chen yang of changchun yatai team and zheng zhi, the coach of guangzhou team, were invited to be active in the front-line coaching stage of domestic professional football, and representatives of young coaches who had already entered the national football coach team participated in the evaluation of the coach selection.

The new coach of the national football team will not concurrently serve

judging from the situation of the meeting, the expert group has formed a relatively consistent recognition attitude towards Jankovic’s coaching ability. However, the whole job selection needs to go through other strict procedures from the beginning to the final completion. Therefore, whether Jankovic will eventually become the new national football coach will be finally announced through official channels after the procedure is over.

It is worth noting that if Jankovic confirms to take over the national football team, then from the perspective of energy, he can’t pick one shoulder or two, and continue to give consideration to the coaching work of the men’s football Asian Games team. To this end, the Chinese Football Association will choose another foreign coach as the alternative coach of the men’s Asian Games team. No matter who leads the team, they need to accept the professional evaluation and interview of the Chinese Football Association according to the procedure. Before the specific results are released, Jankovic will still focus on the leadership of the men’s football Asian Games team, leading the team to practice and warm up in the UAE.

Text/Our reporter Xiao Yi co-ordinated/Du Rui

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The new goalkeeper coach of the men’s football Asian Games team: Jankovic is better than before

20229, one day in October, the 53-year-old Serbian Dean and former Belgrade Red Star club goalkeeper coach srjan Nikola Maksimovic, who was teaching a training course for local goalkeeper coaches in Bengbu, Libya, suddenly received close friends, at the same time, it was the overseas phone number of the former Old partner Alexander Jankovich, who invited him to participate in the coaching work of the Chinese men’s Asian Games team. Marco (Nikola Maksimovic nickname) accepted the invitation without hesitation. At the scene of preparation for the Foshan men’s football Asian Games team, this fat and humorous Serbian coach talked with the reporter of Beiqing daily about Jankovic and his initial impression of the team.

Beiqing daily: Is this your first trip to China? What’s the special feeling after arriving at the team?

Nikola Maksimovic: because after arriving at the team, the training schedule of the team is particularly tight, and they are busy with leading the team training and football-related affairs every day, so they have no chance to visit China. As for the team, I think the management and organization work are perfect, and I feel very comfortable working here. In terms of players, of course, I have the most contact with the goalkeeper. Through this week’s observation, I think the three goalkeeper have great development potential. I come here to help them make progress, next, I will continue to observe and formulate a more perfect teaching plan. I said that the three gatekeepers had potential because their foundation was very good and their quality was outstanding. Therefore, I didn’t have to use time to guide them to carry out basic training, but to carry out more elaborate, training with higher technical content.

Beiqing daily: Han Jiaqi is already one of the most outstanding goalkeeper in the Chinese Super League and the national character team. What do you think of him?

Nikola Maksimovic: I observed that Han Jiaqi has great potential, but I just took them for a short period of time. How to help him improve needs more observation, and make corresponding plans.

Beiqing daily: Coach Jankovic invited you to come over. Do you have higher expectations for the position of goalkeeper?

Nikola Maksimovic: I have worked with the head coach for a long time. He hopes that I can play their potential well, so I need to find a suitable way to break through their limits, now we can’t even grasp their upper limit accurately. Maybe they can play football in Europe in the future. In addition, although they are not members of the U Series team, they are already adult players. I hope they can improve their skills and experience, including life and other aspects.

Beiqing Daily: What is the difference between your cooperation with Jankovic this time?

Nikola Maksimovic: Our last cooperation took place about seven or eight years ago. In football, the workflow of the work system is similar, especially if you have achieved success, you will follow this system, but the breadth of football is very high, and every coach is constantly improving himself, jankovic has taken the Red Star team, the Serbian U21 national team, a mid-game team like Mechelen in Switzerland, and a top team like Standard Liege in Belgium. If there is any difference, then I think Jankovic is better than before.

Beiqing daily: Has Jankovic’s coaching style always been so strict?

Nikola Maksimovic: in fact, I really appreciate his spiritual requirements for the team and its players. He is an ambitious coach. Some things seem to be unable to succeed, but this does not mean that there is no chance of success. The progress of world football is too fast, including the continuous changes in football rules in the past three or four years. With the updating of rules and concepts, we are also making continuous progress. In fact, we sometimes talk about football in the past many years. We may not realize that our life has been completely occupied by football. Maybe we can summarize it in one sentence, that is, we live in the world of football.

Text/Our reporter Xiao Yi

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