
China opened 1499 activities in the public ice and snow season, driving 0.15 billion people to “enjoy ice and snow”

China News Service, Harbin, December 24 (reporter Wang Nina) the launching ceremony of the 9th National Volkswagen ice and snow season main venue was held in Harbin on the 24th, and was held in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Jilin, Shanghai, Hubei, xinjiang and other places set up sub-venues and started at the same time.

This activity is a national-level mass ice and snow sports brand activity with the highest specifications and the largest scale recently launched in China, which will continue until April 2023, 1499 ice and snow activities will be carried out across the country to drive 0.15 billion people to “enjoy ice and snow”.

Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, sent a message saying: “This celebration was held at the end of the Olympic Games year, which opened a new era of winter sports around the world. Under the guidance of the true Olympic spirit, I would like to encourage you to continue to share this Olympic spirit with your friends and family. Most importantly, enjoy the ice and snow season and have a good time.” At the end of the message, Bach said “thank you, Chinese friends” in Chinese “.

The theme of the ninth National mass ice and snow season is “forge ahead for a new era and start a new journey of ice and snow sports”. On that day, Harbin, as the main venue of the launching ceremony of the ninth National mass ice and snow season, held ice dragon boats, cold water jug, ice plate, ice hockey, snowfield ball, snow football, snow volleyball and other forms of ice and snow sports.

2022 on the same day of the National Snow Bike open, 216 snow bike athletes and enthusiasts from all over the country started shooting at the Harbin Sun Island Snow Expo. They fought for the first place in the ice and snow, enjoy the speed and passion…… “We haven’t participated in the snow bike competition for too long. This competition is of great significance. It is a return of sports passion and very excited.” Li Junze, who won the snow bike men’s youth team champion, said.

According to Huang Zhiyong, deputy director of the Winter Sports Management Center of the State Sports General Administration of China, during the ice and snow season, various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in China will carry out special ice and snow events such as “Ice and Snow Carnival” and “ice and snow Community Games. According to statistics, there are 1499 ice and snow events planned to be carried out throughout the country in this ice and snow season, including 696 ice and snow events, 689 ice and snow events, 114 ice and snow carnivals and other comprehensive activities.

At the same time, some areas in China will implement the “ice and snow benefiting the people Program” and open ice and snow training venues for the society in an orderly manner, free of charge or low charge. It is expected that during the “ninth national mass ice and snow season, the total number of Chinese ice and snow sports participation will exceed 0.15 billion. (Finished)

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