
Wu Dajing: those who fight for their dreams will win their own gold medal in life

“I was born in a great dream-chasing era, where everyone who fights for dreams will win his own gold medal in life.” Recently, Wu Dajing, the representative of the 20th National Congress of the party and the champion of the two Winter Olympics, entered Xiamen University, the story of “Chasing Dreams on tool nose” was shared in the online theme propaganda and interactive guidance activity of “writing the youth on the land of the motherland.

In the morning activity of that day, Wu Dajing spoke passionately on the topic of “from the ice and snow track to the channel of party representatives. He “basked” a pair of old skates. This pair of skates is the first pair of customized skates I received.” He said emotionally that when I was a child, China’s ice training conditions were far less than today’s. At first, there was not even a pair of professional skates, “But this is already the best condition my parents have offered me. Therefore, even though I always wore inappropriate skates at that time, my heart was very warm and moved.”

Wu Dajing recalled that when he practiced to a decent stage, his second uncle made a pair of skates for him. “In the early years, our practice conditions were relatively difficult. This comfortable skates accompanied me to overcome many difficulties in training.”

After the success of Wu Dajing, in order to make children have better conditions to pursue their dreams, he built an ice rink in his hometown jiamos in 2019, the location was chosen in the wild ice rink trained when I was a child. “Whenever I go back to my hometown, I always take time to go there and slide twice. I am really happy to watch the children skating around me.” He said that in the future, more and more children in China love ice and snow sports.

In the afternoon of that day, Wu Dajing walked into the capsule building of Xiamen University and Mingpei Gymnasium, giving students a special ideological and political class.

“Joining the Communist Party of China is a matter that I am proud of all my life.” In the first birthplace of the Party branch in Fujian province-the capsule building, Wu Dajing shared his feelings as the 20th representative of the party with the students of the “Yang Cai class.

After nearly 20 years of short track speed skating, Wu Dajing witnessed the rapid development of ice and snow in the motherland. “In the past, only Northeast words were heard on the ice rink, but now the accents from all over the world are shuttling on the training ground. In the past, for training, we waited in line until early morning to get on the ice. Now the ice rink opens to the streets and alleys, everyone can realize the wish of” going to the ice rink.” He said, “this cannot be separated from our Communist Party of China.”

“Aim at the starting line, squat half, right hand in front, left hand in back, feet in parallel, pay attention to keep serious ground expression.” In Mingpei Gymnasium, Wu Dajing taught his “starting aesthetics” action seriously. The students lined up and set up the action to feel the charm of short track speed skating together.

“Have you ever thought about giving up when training is hard?” “Do you miss home when you train away from home from childhood?” “From Changping’s individual gold medal to the team relay gold medal four years later, what changes have your mentality in the competition?”…… After class, Wu Dajing sat down with his classmates to talk about ideals and life.

“Athletes can’t give up easily. They were homesick when they were young. When they grew up, they changed their feet. There are tens of millions of reasons for giving up short track speed skating training, but I persisted because of my love.” Wu Dajing firmly said that if you have a dream, you must pursue it. As long as you persist, you will be able to “keep the clouds open and see the moon”.

When referring to the experience of being away from home to participate in training when he was in his teens, Wu Dajing was deeply impressed. “When everyone slept soundly in the early morning, our little team members had to walk the path without lights to practice skating. But now think about it, it is not so bitter. As long as it is affirmed, all the efforts will be worth it.”

Nowadays, from the men’s individual gold medal of the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics to the relay gold medal of the Beijing Winter Olympics mixed group, Wu Da Jing has become an “flying man on the ice”. “In the past four years, I have grown a lot, but one very important thing is to join the Communist Party of China, which encourages me to play a leading role harder, help young athletes grow better.”

The simple answer has become the most “grounded” ideological and political education. As a member of Xiamen University boat team, Zhang, an undergraduate of grade 2021, said, “Usually there are times when you slack off due to exhaustion, but today, the spirit of great Jing’s hard work and inspirational stories will inspire me.” Wu Xiangwei, a master of grade 2021, said that as a sports person, the feeling brought by sports is the same. Because of love, he tried his best!

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