
2022 opening the beginning of the curtain 2023 how can Chinese football be regarded as a “career”

In the last few days of January, Chinese football was busier.

On 28th and 29th, the Chinese Football Association successively announced the training list of the Chinese Olympic team and the Chinese Asian Games team-the Olympic team will launch the first training of this year in Shanghai on February 7-27, this U22 team led by Cheng Yaodong was officially promoted to the “national Olympics” and undertook the important task of going to the 2024u23 Asian Cup (Paris Olympic qualifier); The head coach of the Asian Games team was Yankovic, who undertook the task of this year’s Hangzhou Asian Games, the team will conduct the first phase of this year’s training in Foshan, Guangdong province on February 4-14. It is worth mentioning that this phase of training has not recruited over-age players.

The “Top 8” goals proposed by the Asian Games team are possible to achieve. According to the Asian Games System, the first two of the six groups and the third with the best four scores can be qualified. Therefore, for the Asian Games team, the game that really determines fate is only the first round of elimination after the group is qualified, in the last Asian Games in Jakarta, the Chinese team team ranked first but was blocked by another group of third-ranked Saudi teams in the top 8. From this, it was judged that the Asian Games team was not too much to strive for the top 8. Compared with the Asian Games team, the Olympic team really cannot put forward a clear goal: since the 2008 Beijing Olympics was directly shortlisted as the host final table, the Olympic team has been return crestfallen in the three consecutive Olympic qualifiers, the team led by the Brotherton Olympic Games in 2012 did not even enter final table. At that time, there were many powerful leaders such as Wu Xi and Zhang Linying in the team; Then the two Olympic qualifiers in 2016 and 2020, the two Olympic games led by Fu Bo and Hao Wei also left a painful record of three consecutive losses in the group. For Olympic football with a total of 16 teams shortlisted and only 3.5 places in Asia, the gap in strength of the Chinese Olympic Games is indeed obvious, this national Olympic games can play a “normal level” to make fans feel at ease.

In 2023 and 2024, the full-scale attacks of all national character Series teams will always bring surprises of “fans”, which really make fans “upset, it is also the structural design of Chinese football infrastructure-in the final analysis, the quality and performance of professional league matches complement each other. The lack of confidence of Chinese national league matches just stems from the professional league matches started in 1994, so far, there are still many fatal vulnerabilities to be fixed at the” career “level.

On the evening of January 25, Wuhan Yangtze River Club, which was in the “eye of storm”, announced that it would no longer register to participate in the men’s professional football match held by the Chinese Football Association. Although the club only declared to withdraw from the professional league match, but this can already be the same as “team dissolution.

The “withdrawal statement” of Wuhan Yangtze River Club is not abrupt. At the end of the Chinese Super League in the 2022 season, three teams of Hebei team, Guangzhou team and Wuhan Changjiang team were downgraded, based on its own economic situation and the “fake ball storm” caused by Li Tie, the former head coach of “suspected of serious violation of laws”, is still in the investigation stage. It is only a matter of time before the club withdraws from the professional league, in fact, the club’s statement also specifically explained to the fans: “The club is in a highly responsible attitude, friendly communication, and properly handles all kinds of aftermath work, settle all the salaries and social security of the coaching staff and players (except for a coach and some players he handles, foreign aid and individual players who violate the team’s discipline).”

According to Article 48 (heavier punishment), Article 72 (other fraudulent acts), Article 73 (serious violation of the spirit of fair competition), article 74 (improper transaction) and other relevant clauses, the possibility of Wuhan Yangtze River Club being “disqualified” by the Chinese Football Association before the new season is obvious.

Although expected, the “exit statement” of Wuhan Yangtze River Club still made many fans sigh: in recent years, from Tianjin Tianhai to Jiangsu Suning to Chongqing Liangjiang competition to Wuhan Yangtze River, the “exit rate” of the Super League team is somewhat dazzling. In addition, it is certain that Wuhan Yangtze River will not be the only professional club that “will not register for competition” before the new season, at least Guangzhou team and Hebei team, which are facing desperate economic conditions, even the Shenzhen team and Guangzhou city team, which have successfully guaranteed the Super League, still have the risk of “hosting” or “exiting” before the final moment when the problem is really solved. According to the reporter’s understanding, the Chinese Football Association has enough determination to “reject” the back-paid teams, so it is not hesitate to reduce the scale of the league: the existing 18 teams in the Chinese Super League may return to the scale of 16 teams participating in the competition, the same 18 teams participating in the league and the league will also confirm the competition system and schedule according to the specific situation of each team, “in principle, it is to ensure the healthy conduct of the League”.

There are so many debts in the history of Chinese professional league matches that it is time to cut the chaos quickly to take effect. From 1994 League A to 2004, it was renamed the Super League. The phenomenon of “fake gambling Black” has become a huge cancer in Chinese football, and various strange situations emerge one after another (typically, only losing the game can guarantee the grade), this led to a sweeping anti-gambling storm in Chinese football in 2009. This round of storm lasted for two years, in exchange for several years of calm in the professional league. Now more than ten years have passed, another storm with a wider sweep area is ready to go, as for this wave of anti-corruption and anti-counterfeiting that began in Chinese football, fans all over the country have been looking forward to the moths in Chinese football-without the determination of Wuhan Yangtze River Club and former head coach Li Tie to “die together” and in accordance with legal procedures reports, the 2022th of Chinese football will leave great regret rather than a beginning to open the curtain.

Only Health can develop. Professional league matches need “stability” and “career”, rather than amateur decisions of “changing the day and night” and “shooting the forehead.

If there is no accident, the 2023 new season professional league will start in the middle of May, regardless of the number of participating teams, the biggest good news is, of course, that the 2023-season professional league has resumed the main and away game system-which will greatly reduce the pressure on the club to attract investment. The three-season closed tournament system (with conditions to Open fans to enter and partially resume the main and away game system in the later period) separated the professional league from the fans, and the sub-league below the Super League, even in the era of information explosion, many fans also need to explore in many ways to know the progress of the competition. As for the details of the competition, the media has become a “luxury” during the period when the media is compressed during the closed period “. “Let the fans enter the stadium to watch the ball” can reduce the pressure of the club’s operation to a great extent, but the specific measures of “treating the fans well” should also test the club’s business philosophy.

Even if the full attack of the national character in the new year can reap unexpected surprises, even if the main game system of the new season can make the professional league return to the daily life of the fans, it is also impossible to quickly fill out the hidden dangers behind the “occupation” of Chinese football: the lawsuit that players are owed wages, the demand for clubs to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, the repair of professional youth training system, and even the organization and coordination of youth league matches, it is closely related to the “occupation” index of Chinese football New Year.

In the era of poor foreign war performance, fans who are willing to spend time, energy and money watching professional league matches are really the most precious wealth of Chinese football, the ultimate goal of the national character team and the promotion of professional league matches is also to provide fans with more empathetic spiritual food, which is the mission of football itself, it is also the most important factor of “occupation” in Chinese football. (Guo Jian, reporter of China Youth Daily, China Youth Net)

(source: China Youth Daily, 08th, 0131st, 2023)

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