
Qatar World Cup | Brazilian team members are heartbroken tete decided to bid farewell to the handsome position

Xinhua News Agency, Doha, December 9 (Reporter Yue Dongxing, Wang Haoming) after Brazil was eliminated from the top four in Qatar World Cup by Croatia in the penalty kick war on the 9th, Captain Tiago Silva said that the defeat was very painful, but this is part of football. It’s time to raise your head and move on.

On December 9th, Brazil player Tiago Silva (left) and Croatia player Kramaric fought in the match. Xinhua News Agency reporter Han Yan photo

“Unfortunately, this is part of football. When we lost the opportunity to achieve the team’s goal, it was very painful.” Silva said, “but now it’s time to raise your head and move on. There is no choice. I am a person who gets up every time he falls.”

Casimiro, the midfield general, said everyone was sad, but everyone did their best. “It (Victory) was in our hands, but it slipped away. Now is the time to keep calm. Life must look forward.”

On December 9th, the Croatian player Modric (second from the left) and the Brazilian player cassemiro (first from the right) competed in the match. Xinhua News Agency reporter Lan Hongguang photo

Brazilian coach Tete said before this Cup that he would leave office after the World Cup. He confirmed this after the match, “it was a painful failure, but it was the end of a cycle”.

On December 9th, Brazilian coach Tete (former) watched the match on the sidelines. Xinhua News Agency reporter Lan Hongguang photo

In response to why Neymar was arranged to play the fifth penalty kick, but the Brazilian team had already failed before it was his turn to play, Tete said that the fifth player playing the penalty kick was often decisive, because the pressure was greater at that time, players who were more prepared should play last.

“I respect the results of the competition. The players know that I am proud of their performance. Time will prove what my legacy is.” He said.

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