
Regarding the merits of Wang Meng’s dispute, what a netizen said was particularly reasonable.

Beijing, Beijing, February 24th, Wang Meng, the champion of Winter Olympics, searched again, but this time it was not because of sports.

Wang Meng, the exclusive brokerage company in the field of new media, issued a statement on the 23rd that Wang Meng, the winner of four gold medals in the Winter Olympics, seriously violated the contract and participated in commercial activities in the field of new media without authorization and repeatedly urged that it had not been corrected. Later, Wang Meng studio responded that “Lord Meng” and “athlete Lianmeng” are all personal derivative IP addresses of Wang Meng. The cooperation between the two has expired and the company is still in arrears with huge outstanding funds, at present, the dispute has been handed over to the judicial organ for handling.

Frequently “cross-border” Wang Meng’s commercial value soared

Wang Meng, who owns four gold medals in the Winter Olympics, is one of the star athletes in China’s winter events. At its peak, it can be described as the “great devil” in the short track speed skating field. At the Vancouver Winter Olympics, she won 3 gold medals alone, while the Chinese team also won all the gold medals in the women’s short track speed skating project.

After retirement, Wang Meng once stayed in the team to teach, and later went to participate in variety shows, switch to commentary, and establish a personal IP. In addition, she was an entrepreneur.

At the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Wang Meng participated as a narrator. She used the most popular language frequently to let the audience clearly understand the competition rules and penalty standards.

The classic commentary of “My eyes are Feet” is even more screen brushing on the whole network. This slogan not only produces classic expression packages, but also enters the world of ghosts and animals, later, the official “debut” became the title of Wang Meng’s first individual single.

Wang Meng relies on professionalism, humor and domineering…… The unique style of commentary was called “The ceiling of commentary” by netizens, and also nicknamed “the escaped crosstalk actor”. Wang Meng, with flexible brain, once responded to the call of netizens, put on unlined long gown, and came to cross talk.

Wang Meng once publicly mentioned in an interview that he runs an MCN organization. This company does not recruit social services or schools, but only aims at retired athletes.

Wang Meng once said that she was trying to make herself an IP address and wanted to try first with herself as the carrier to draw a way for the athletes. Whether it’s live streaming or doing sports variety shows, she tries first and leads other athletes through her own popularity.

Nowadays, Wang Meng, who frequently “cross-border”, has high commercial value.

The sudden “space dialogue”

On the afternoon of the 23rd, the official microblog of Beijing Yinyi Vision Technology Co., Ltd. issued a statement saying: “Our company is now concerned that Ms. Wang Meng has seriously violated the contract and participated in commercial activities in the new media field without authorization during the exclusive brokerage cooperation with our company in the new media field, and issued a statement on relevant matters such as no correction after repeated reminders.” According to the statement, the company has entrusted lawyers to initiate the proceedings, requiring Wang Meng to continue to perform the contract and bear the liability for breach of contract according to law.

Screenshot of the official microblog of Beijing Yingyi Vision Technology Co., Ltd.

That night, Wang Meng studio issued a statement in response that “Lord Meng is coming” and “athlete Lianmeng” were all personal derivative IP addresses of Wang Meng, and shadow Yui vision was only a production company hired for this project. Shadow vision once cooperated with Wang Meng in new media, but the cooperation between the two expired on October 9, 2022. During the cooperation period between the two, shadow vision did not fully pay the cooperation funds. At present, shadow vision still owed Wang Meng a huge amount of overdue funds. This matter has been protected through litigation, the current case has entered the stage of property preservation, and the relevant accounts of shadow view have been frozen by the court.

“If there is any dispute going through normal legal procedures, netizens cannot close the case”

after a “empty dialogue” between the relevant company and Wang Meng studio, a wave of heated discussion was immediately launched on the Internet.

The statement released on the official microblog of Beijing Yinyi Vision Technology Co., Ltd. is almost all comments of netizens with the words “pay back money” and posted a response statement from Wang Meng studio.

There are also netizens teasing: “What does it have to do with you to explain the Winter Olympics in a circle of fire? Are professional commentary all your scripts?”

Under the statement released by Wang Meng studio, many netizens also left a message in the comments, “don’t believe the rumor, don’t spread the rumor”, and “Wang Meng’s humorous commentary successfully went out of the circle, in addition to her personality, she cannot do without the accumulation and love of short track speed skating for more than 20 years. So far, no one can match the four Olympic gold medals, it can be said not by any company’s casual marketing” and so on.

Of course, in the end, it is not based on the words of all parties. What this netizen wrote in his comments is especially reasonable-

“if there is any dispute going through normal legal procedures, netizens cannot close the case. If legal procedures have been taken, then wait for the court to decide.” (Finished)

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