
Chinese Ambassador to Cyprus attended the third China-Cyprus Friendship Games

On November 23, according to the website of the Chinese embassy in Cyprus, Liu Yantao, the Chinese ambassador to Cyprus, attended the third China-Cyprus Friendship Games jointly organized by the Chinese Overseas Chinese Friendship Association in Cyprus and the Confucius Institute at the University of Cyprus. In saiwei, the police force, Chinese-funded enterprises in Saida, overseas students and overseas Chinese in various cities actively participated in the competition.

Ambassador Liu Yantao said at opening ceremony of sports meet that the China-Serbia Friendship Games were successfully held again after three years, which was inseparable from the careful arrangement and organization of the organizers and the active participation of the vast number of overseas Chinese. This sports meeting is a sports meeting to promote the unity and harmony of overseas Chinese. It is a sports meeting to advocate the practice of a healthy lifestyle. It is also a sports meeting to spread Chinese excellent culture and promote the Olympic spirit, it is also a sports meeting to promote China-Serbia friendship.

Ambassador Liu put forward four hopes to the overseas Chinese who participated in the sports meeting: First, strengthen fitness, keep healthy body and mind, and improve the quality of life and life; Second, strengthen unity and mutual assistance, to build a harmonious overseas Chinese community and further enhance the cohesion of overseas Chinese tourists traveling to Saihua; The third is to strengthen the spread of Chinese culture and enhance the confidence of friends from all walks of life in China’s development; The fourth is to strengthen the friendly inheritance between China and Serbia, establish a good image of China and promote the strategic partnership between China and Serbia to a higher level. Ambassador Liu said that the embassy would better practice diplomacy for the people and help overseas Chinese tourists to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests; To better safeguard national interests, together with the upcoming peace council, Chamber of Commerce and other overseas Chinese groups, make a firm voice on the issues concerning the sovereignty, security and development interests of the country; Better promote the exchanges and cooperation between China and Serbia, and work together with everyone to push the friendship between China and Serbia to a new level.

Che Huali, president of the Association of Chinese and overseas Chinese friendship in Cyprus, said that the games set off a wave of sports boom in the overseas Chinese community. I believe that the overseas Chinese in Saihua will take this opportunity to be more united and help each other and twist it into a stranded rope. Cao Li, the Chinese president of Confucius Institute at the University of Cyprus, called on everyone to carry forward the Olympic spirit of “faster, higher, stronger and more united” and create good achievements in the competition.

At the scene, Ambassador Liu performed the Baduanjin performance together with the team of athletes and referees. The athletes played tug-of-war, shuttlecock kicking, whirlwind running, long shoelace jumping and other competitions. The atmosphere of the sports meeting was warm, and the overseas Chinese were enthusiastic, which played a good role in fitness and group building.

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