
The construction of the rule of law in sports has entered a new stage-representatives and members pay attention to the implementation of sports law

On June 24, 2022, the 35th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress voted to pass the newly revised Sports Law of the People’s Republic of China, which will come into force as of January 1, 2023. During the NPC and CPPCC sessions this year, NPC deputies and CPPCC members paid great attention to the newly revised sports law that has been formally implemented. The revision and implementation of sports law marks that the construction of China’s sports law has entered a new stage, providing strong support and guarantee for the construction of sports power.

The sports law passed in 1995 filled the legislative gap of the country in the field of sports. Over the past 20 years, sports has developed rapidly, and great progress has been made in various fields such as national fitness, competitive sports, youth sports, sports industry, sports culture and sports foreign exchanges. At the same time, the background and practical needs faced by sports have also undergone great changes. After revision, the sports law increased from 8 Chapter 54 to 12 Chapter 122, including general principles, national fitness, youth and school sports, competitive sports, anti-doping, sports organizations, sports industry, guarantee conditions, sports arbitration, supervision and management, legal liability and supplementary provisions. In view of the new challenges and new problems in the new era, the revision of sports law faces the realistic problems of sports, actively responds to the new requirements and expectations of the people, and provides a solid legal guarantee for the development of sports in the new era.

Zhang Xia, deputy to the National People’s Congress and head coach of Anhui gymnastics women’s team, said that the sports law was based on enactment of constitution. Sports work adheres to the leadership of the party and the people as the center. Article 3 of the general provisions proposes that “people’s governments at or above the county level shall incorporate sports into national economic and social development plans.” This reflects that the country attaches great importance to sports and strives to promote the high-quality development of sports. In addition, it also affirms the driving effect of sports on economic and social development.

The newly revised sports law is clear: “Schools can set up sports coaches. The school gives priority to employing outstanding retired athletes who meet relevant conditions to engage in school physical education teaching and training activities.” In this regard, LV Yang, the deputy of the National People’s Congress and rowing athlete, said frankly, “for our athletes, the biggest problem is to get employed after retirement. We have more professional and scientific sports methods. If we can’t play them well, it will be a waste. The newly revised sports law proposes that it is a very good solution to let athletes enter the campus as coaches. It can not only bring our professional skills into the campus, promote the development of youth sports, but also solve the reemployment problems, giving retired athletes the opportunity to make more contributions to the construction of sports power.”

“The state brings sports subjects into the scope of junior high school and high school achievement test, and establishes an assessment mechanism that conforms to the characteristics of the subject.” This is the content of the newly revised sports law. As a representative of the National People’s Congress from the grassroots level, fan Dongwei, vice president and head coach of the volleyball team of Shan County No. 1 Middle School in Shandong province, suggested that the physical tests of junior high school, senior high school and university should be strictly included in the senior high school entrance examination, college entrance examination and university graduation examination, strictly grasp the appropriate proportion so that students, parents and schools can attach importance to it. “I hope to take physical education as a compulsory course for students and truly implement it.”

Yang Yang, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the World Anti-Doping Agency, said that in the newly revised sports law, “the sports administrative departments of the people’s governments above the county level organize anti-doping publicity and education work, raise the anti-doping awareness of sports participants and the public”. This fully emphasizes that in addition to the latter “punishment” in anti-doping work, more importantly, education goes first, let more athletes and “accompanying personnel” know more about anti-doping regulations and rules, and realize “active prevention”. “In addition, what needs to be emphasized is that regarding the importance of athletes ‘accompanying persons’ in anti-doping work, not only athletes should understand anti-doping knowledge and rules, but also the accompanying personnels should have relevant knowledge and anti-doping awareness.” Yang Yang said.

The newly revised sports law proposes, “the sports administrative department of the State Council organizes the establishment of sports arbitration committee in accordance with this law to formulate sports arbitration rules.” On February 11 this year, China Sports Arbitration Commission was established in Beijing. For sports arbitration, Huo qicang, the deputy chairman of the National People’s Congress, Hong Kong Sports Association and Olympic Committee, paid close attention to it. During the two sessions this year, he proposed a proposal to establish the Hong Kong branch of China Sports Arbitration Commission. Huo Qigang said, “the 14th Five-Year Plan explicitly supports Hong Kong as a center for legal services and dispute resolution. Hong Kong has many advantages under the” One Country, Two Systems, the establishment of Hong Kong branch of China Sports Arbitration Commission can make good use of Hong Kong’s advantages, further realize the mission and vision of China Sports Arbitration Commission, promote China’s position in the field of international sports arbitration, and better grasp the international discourse power.” (Transferred from the 01 edition of China Sports Daily on March 9)

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