
Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games opening and closing ceremony warm-up program launch part selection

Live display of featured programs. Hangzhou sub-committee supply map

Xinhua News Agency, Jinhua, December 13 (Qian Chenfei) shows all the skills and confidence in spinning and jumping. On the 13th, with the wonderful appearance of 12 performance teams, the first activity of the selection of the warm-up program for the opening and closing ceremonies of Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games was held in Wuyi county, Jinhua, Zhejiang province. All sectors of society are looking forward to the Asian Games, the new climax of embracing the Asian Games was raised.

The programs of this performance are all “local originality” of Jinhua and Shaoxing in Zhejiang province, including instrumental music program “noisy flower stand”, drama programs “Jinho blessing”, “Mu Guiying hanging handsome” and “Liang Zhu · back 18”, non-heritage heritage programs such as “sedan welcome”, “Pan’an long flag”, “Yongkang Nine Lion map”, “dragon dance”, “Golden Lion happy to welcome the Asian Games”, dance program “Tea Mountain Spring”, “dancing stars” and sports show program “jumping across the city”. The participating units come from cultural centers, art schools and cultural groups in Jinhua and Shaoxing. In order to optimize the effect of live performance, each team was carefully prepared and performed attentively, and the wonderful performance received applause from the audience.

特色节目现场展示。 杭州亚组委供图
Live display of featured programs. Hangzhou sub-committee supply map

Cultural prosperity, sports power, and cultural and sports integration are the popular expressions of feelings from all walks of life. The Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games will be held in Hangzhou in September and October 2023. In order to allow more people to participate in this sports event, the organizing committee office of the 19th Asian Games in 2022, together with the propaganda department of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, and Zhejiang Provincial Federation of Literature and Art Circles, comprehensively marked “simplicity, according to the requirements of safe and wonderful”, the selection of warm-up programs for the opening and closing ceremonies of Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games will be launched on September this year, and 6 categories of literary programs such as drama and dance will be widely collected.

Once the “collection order” was issued, it received a wide response from the whole society. It took one month to receive 310 programs that were submitted by the cities across Zhejiang province and publicly collected by the society. After preliminary screening, 141 people entered the second stage of the selection activity.

遴选现场。 杭州亚组委供图
Select the site. Hangzhou sub-committee supply map

On the basis of the successful holding of the selection activities in Jinhua and Shaoxing areas, the organizers will also enter other cities in Zhejiang to carry out four film selection activities, striving to create “Chinese characteristics, Zhejiang style, hangzhou’s charming and colorful” sports and cultural event gathers more high-quality literary and artistic resources.

It is reported that after being selected to enter the program “Hangzhou Asian Games and Asian Paralympic Games performing Resource Library, not only will we have the opportunity to show our elegant demeanour in the” our Asian Games · our grand event · our village evening “held in the Asian Games Village before the Spring Festival, but we are more likely to go to the Hangzhou Asian Games, the” big lotus “stage of the opening and closing ceremony of the Asian Paralympic Games shows the oriental charm of” poetry painting jiangnan, vitality Zhejiang “to the world. (Finished)

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