
The emblem and mascot of the first national student (youth) games were released.

Zhongxin.com Nanning, March 22 (Huang Lingyan) on March 22, the press conference of the first national student (youth) games (hereinafter referred to as the Youth Academy) was held in Nanning, Guangxi. The Emblem, mascot, theme slogans, promotional films, etc. will be released at the meeting one by one.

Tang Ning, deputy secretary general of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People’s Government and secretary general of the Executive Committee of the first youth College, introduced at the press conference that the first youth College will be held in Guangxi in November 2023. This is the first national comprehensive competitive sports meeting hosted by Guangxi. Since the preparatory work was carried out, Guangxi has set up a preparatory committee for the youth academy, focusing on the requirements of “simplicity, safety and excellence”, comprehensively promoting venue construction, competition organization, service guarantee, propaganda, preheating and other work.

This year’s Youth College has 57 competition projects (47 in the open group and 10 in the campus group), and Guangxi will host 42 projects in the open group and all projects in the campus group, the events are distributed in 14 cities, 8 counties and 12 universities in the region.

In order to meet the demand of the competition, the whole district of Guangxi has planned and laid out 45 competition venues of the youth academy, including 15 newly built venues and 30 maintenance and reconstruction venues. Up to now, 15 new venue projects have all started, of which the autonomous region Sports Bureau Jiangnan training base Weightlifting Hall, track and field swimming pool and comprehensive training hall have been completed and delivered, and the autonomous region key projects Santang sports training competition base, the main project of Guangxi UFO shooting range training competition base has basically achieved the ceiling. 30 maintenance and renovation projects are being accelerated to ensure full completion and delivery by the end of June.

The emblem of the youth College released this time is a calligraphy ligature composed of the word “Guangxi”. The overall shape is a youth flying athlete image. The emblem is integrated with “ox horn”, one of the totem elements of Guangxi Zhuang nationality, and adopts the color of the Olympic five rings. The emblem highlights the geographical name, characteristics and cultural heritage of Guangxi, showing the unique spirit of Zhuang Township.

The mascot of the youth academy is a pair of lively and rhythmic dolphin images. The design inspiration comes from the rare protected animal of Sanniang Bay, Qinzhou, Guangxi-Chinese white dolphin, with Zhuang brocade and ethnic clothes, showing Guangxi’s magnificent national characteristics and regional style. The gentle and friendly dolphin image also shows the enthusiasm of Zhuang Township people to welcome visitors from all directions. The theme slogan of the youth learning Association is “Dream-seeking New Era youth is more wonderful”.

It is reported that this year’s Youth Conference was formed by merging the former students of nation Games and the National Youth Games. Holding a youth school meeting is an important measure to promote the reform and development of youth and school sports in the new era, enhance the physique of teenagers and students, and promote the cultivation of reserve talents of competitive sports. (Finished)

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