
Liu Zheng, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference: promoting the high-quality development of ice and snow sports in China

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 6 (reporter Su Bin, Ding Wenxian, Zhang Yifei) this snow season after the Beijing Winter Olympics, North and South, people’s enthusiasm for participating in ice and snow sports remains unchanged. At the two sessions this year, Liu Zheng, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and president of Shenyang Institute of Physical Education, brought a proposal on promoting the high-quality development of China’s ice and snow sports, making suggestions for further stimulating China’s ice and snow sports and industrial development potential.

The ice and snow are also Jinshan Yinshan. Liu Zheng believes that the successful holding of Beijing Winter Olympics has ignited the enthusiasm of the Chinese public to participate in ice and snow sports. After the Beijing Winter Olympics, China’s ice and snow sports and industrial development have full potential, but at the same time, we should also see that the competitive advantages of the Beijing Winter Olympics will be transformed into a strong driving force for the high-quality development of China’s ice and snow sports, let the radiation of ice and snow sports drive the development of ice and snow industry, and still face the key problems to be solved, which are mainly reflected in the insufficient depth of mass participation in ice and snow sports, weak overall competitiveness of ice and snow sports projects, the short board of ice and snow field facilities is still widespread, and the resource advantages of colleges and universities have not been fully brought into play, etc.

After investigation, Liu Zheng found that the public’s single participation or low-frequency participation and experiential skiing are more prominent, and the proportion of holiday skiing population is relatively small. The ice and snow boom has not yet been transformed into a lifestyle of ice and snow sports. There is a lack of standard venues that can host international ski events. Small and medium-sized snowfields account for a large number and relatively backward infrastructure and equipment. Public supporting facilities such as transportation and consumption around the snowfields are insufficient.

On the competitive level, Liu Zheng said that although China has achieved 7 major events and 15 sub-items of the Beijing Winter Olympics, it still lags behind in some traditional ice and snow sports.

Liu Zheng put forward five suggestions accordingly: build a world-class ice and snow sports R & D center; Optimize the training system of high-end ice and snow talents in Northeast China; Vigorously stimulate the effect of Winter Olympics; Vigorously promote the rapid development of ice and snow industry; build a new international advanced ice and snow sports talent training system.

Liu Zheng suggested to give full play to Beijing’s scientific and technological advantages in the development of ice sports and set up Beijing national ice sports research and development center; make full use of the advantages of science and technology assistance accumulated by Shenyang Institute of Physical Education in snow sports for more than 40 years, and set up Shenyang National snow sports research and development center. Relying on the national ice and snow sports research and development center, cooperating with universities, research institutes, enterprises and social institutions to promote the integration and development of new liberal arts, new engineering, new medicine and other disciplines. According to the actual needs of sports performance analysis, sports State diagnosis, competitive decision-making, equipment optimization and so on generated by sports training and competition, we will make every effort to promote the scientific and technological development of ice and snow sports in our country.

In Liu Zheng’s view, the winter of the three northeastern provinces is cold and long, and it has the regional advantage and mass base of developing ice and snow sports. Liaoning province will take the opportunity of bidding for the 15th National Winter Games as an opportunity to vigorously develop the ice and snow sports and ice and snow industry, and further promote the transformation of ice and snow sports from the masses to the public, from the region to the whole country, and from winter to the whole year. It is suggested that the country introduce incentive policies to promote the development of national fitness with the extensive development of ice and snow sports, and help the construction of a strong sports country and a healthy China.

Liu Zheng suggested to formulate the development plan of northeast ice and snow industry, promote the work of mass ice and snow industry, competitive ice and snow industry, enrich the supply of ice and snow sports industry, and establish a variety of ice and snow industry development system.

In terms of talent training mode, Liu Zheng believes that the basic mode of “national training + university training + social training” and the team management system coordinated by multiple subjects should be formed.

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