
Practice Lei Feng’s spirit and carry out nationwide fitness volunteer service activities everywhere

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 6, March 5 this year, is the 60th anniversary of learning from Lei Feng. Voluntary Service activities with the contents of helping the old and helping the disabled, helping the poor and solving difficulties, facilitating the people and benefiting the people are in full swing nationwide, this also includes the nationwide fitness volunteer service activities widely carried out in many places around the Lei Feng Memorial Day.

Over the past few days, the theme activities of Qinghai social sports guidance center “practicing Lei Feng’s spirit and promoting the power of the list” have been carried out in a rich and colorful way. More than 40 social sports instructors from 27 provincial-level volunteer service teams in the province have carried out the national fitness volunteer service activity of “learning Lei Feng’s good example, and I will go first for sports public welfare.

Hunan Shuttlecock Association recently went to Changling School, Xiangyin county, Yueyang city to carry out teaching and assistance activities. Teachers and students from the education department of Xiangyin County and four provincial campus shuttlecock pilot schools in the county gathered together to conduct sports equipment donation, discussion and shuttlecock teaching practice classes.

In Changsha, the National Fitness Management Center organized and carried out community public welfare activities of social sports instructors in Changsha. Changsha National Fitness Management Center, together with Changsha Social Sports instructor Association, prepared sports health knowledge lectures, physical quality assessment, qigong training, free health reading materials distribution and other related activities for residents of baoziling community, help community residents improve their awareness of sports health.

The theme activity of “Happy Jiangsu” National Fitness volunteer service initiated by Jiangsu Social Sports Management Center was held all over the province. Twelve cities including Yancheng, Taizhou, Suzhou, Xuzhou, Nanjing and Suqian have organized 39 volunteer service themed activities. In addition, Jiangsu province will also carry out 133 theme activities combining online and offline, outdoor public sports facilities safety investigation volunteer service activities in Dafeng District of Yancheng city, national fitness volunteer service in Laozhuang community of Taizhou city, environmental protection cycling, suzhou Scientific fitness guidance has been held recently. Free physical fitness testing and scientific fitness guidance theme activities for all people in Yangzhou city, “workshop exercises” entering enterprises in Nanjing city, and traditional martial arts exchange and exhibition activities in Xuzhou city will be held one after another.

On March 2, the social sports instructor of Dehong social sports Guidance Center in Yunnan province formed a national fitness volunteer service team to carry out movement of learning Leifeng, and walked into the community to provide free and high-quality volunteer services for the majority of fitness enthusiasts, guide mass scientific fitness. In this community volunteer service activity, the social sports instructor guided and demonstrated three skills of “boxing, sword and fan”. Under the soothing and gentle music accompaniment, show the characteristics of the three skills vividly.

In Hebi city, Henan province, Hebi City Martial Arts Association launched the movement of learning Leifeng general mobilization, calling on all members to start from the small things around them and strive to implement the movement of learning Leifeng. Under the leadership of Chen Baojiang, the eighth batch of Henan province Post learning Lei Feng pacesetter, Hebi Martial Arts Association gives full play to the advantages of social sports instructor team and gets in touch with the environmental health service center of Shancheng District, for more than 100 sanitation workers, Chen’s back-boxing aerobics training was carried out in batches to convey martial arts and health and happiness to everyone.

In recent years, under the guidance of the group department of the State Sports General Administration, the national fitness volunteer service activities have been widely carried out in various places. Among them, as the main force of the national fitness volunteer service, social sports instructors at all levels actively carry forward the volunteer spirit of “dedication, friendship, mutual assistance and progress”, and carry out the communication and display of fitness skills through normalization, fitness skills training, fitness knowledge lectures, scientific fitness guidance courses promote various volunteer service theme activities such as community, rural areas, institutions, enterprises, schools, etc, let the concept of national fitness and the spirit of voluntary service be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

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