
To fight the epidemic, the political and legal system of Xichuan county was in action Nanyang, Henan!

Yuyi network Nanyang, February 21 (reporter Huang Zengyou correspondent Wang Shenghai)Since the outbreak of Xinguan pneumonia, the political and legal committee of Xichuan county Party committee in Nanyang city, Henan province has strictly followed the work arrangements of the higher political and legal committee, Xichuan county Party committee and county government, coordinated all political and legal departments and grass-roots political and legal comprehensive management forces, actively acted as and prevented and controlled according to law, give full play to the role of political and legal guarantee, actively participate in the epidemic prevention and control blocking action, fully safeguard the overall social stability of the county, and form a strong momentum for the police and the people to build a line of defense and fight against the epidemic.

First, the news moved and strengthened political responsibility.

Since January 28, the political and legal committee of Xichuan county committee has organized special meetings for many times to study and deploy specific measures to implement the epidemic prevention and control work of the political and legal system, and to give full play to the crackdown of political and legal organs, re-mobilization, re-arrangement and re-deployment are carried out in the investigation and control work, such as the comprehensive management center of villages and towns, the grid service management system of the whole county and the role of the grid staff team.

Second, perform their duties solidly and actively participate in the epidemic prevention and control work of the county.

The Staff of the county’s political and legal system took the initiative to ask for advice and face the difficulties, struggling to devote themselves to the epidemic prevention and control work in the county, and being the “counter-Walker” of Xichuan’s political and legal system who faithfully performed his duties and acted responsibly and bravely “! The Jiuzhong police station in Xichuan county, Deng brigade, traffic police brigade, patrol Special Police Brigade, and land resources brigade in Nanyang Motorway Cops held an oath to review the oath of joining the party at the epidemic investigation and control point of Qushou Expressway station.

The police stations in each jurisdiction set up the vanguard of party members. All party members took the lead in fighting to the front-line positions and set up the vanguard of party members in the front-line positions.

The judicial bureau of Xichuan county set up four epidemic prevention and control teams and went to the front line of epidemic prevention in Hupo village, Magou village, Leishan village and Mogou Village of Cangfang town to carry out work.

Third, improve the ability to serve the masses and build a harmonious relationship between the police and the people.

Xichuan county procuratorate gives full play to the role of procuratorial function, performs good duties, handles cases well, and actively provides strong judicial guarantee for epidemic prevention and control work; xichuan County People’s Court provides online prosecution, acceptance, mediation, evidence exchange, trial, sentence, execution and other services through “Henan Mobile Micro Court”, “people’s court online mediation platform” and “12368 hotline, reduce the risk of out-of-town infection.

On the morning of February 2, 2020, Xianghua judicial office of Xichuan county responded positively to the call of county judicial bureau to fight against the epidemic of new coronavirus pneumonia and launched a special fund-raising activity among community correction personnel. Community correction personnel donated 2550 yuan in just 2 hours through mobile phones, demonstrating the sense of responsibility and love of community correction personnel.

The epidemic will not return, we will not return! In the face of the epidemic, I will have no one, and I will live up to the people. All political and legal personnel in Xichuan county solemnly promise that they will not fulfill their sacred responsibilities, fight bravely against the epidemic with fearless courage and firm determination, and resolutely win the tough battle of epidemic prevention and control to maintain social stability!

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