
2023 the mascot of the final of the World Table Tennis Championships in Durban announced that hippo “Tacoma” was elected

BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) — On the evening of 27th Beijing time, the ITTF announced the mascot of the final of the 2023 World Table Tennis Championships in Durban-hippo “Tacoma”, which was the first time to return to Africa after the Cairo World Table Tennis Championships in 1939.

Hippo “Tacoma” represents strength and prosperity and is an important symbol of African culture. Tacoma, as the mascot, made his debut at the 2013 African Cup of Nations football championship and was the award-winning design of 13-year-old boy tumello koana. Coana, from mogojello village (Mogogelo) in northern Pretoria, South Africa, participated in the national mascot design competition and stood out among 182 entries with a hand-painted hippo. Later, the South African sports bureau also announced that Tacoma became the official mascot of all sports events in South Africa.

Petra Sorin, the chairman of the International Table Tennis Federation, said: “I am glad to see hippo Takuma debut at the 2023 World Table Tennis Championships in Durban. Mascots have the magical power to attract fans and increase participation. We believe Tacoma will promote the promotion of table tennis in South Africa and around the world, and attract more young people to participate in table tennis.”

2023 the World Table Tennis Championships in Durban will be held at the International Convention Center in Durban on May 20-28. (Finished)

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