
Massey is great and cannot be copied. Argentina won the World Cup at the age of 35.

Having worked in Barcelona for many years, he enjoyed the scenery of holding up the golden cup in various club events early, while in family life, andongneira, who has childhood plum and three lively and lovely sons, has also made Macy happy enough. But at the age of 35, he still had a dream, which was to lead his motherland to seize the supreme trophy in the football temple. In the summer of 2021, he became the champion of America’s Cup, realizing his dream of Brazil; And just one year later, he finally got the dream FIFA World Cup and became the man standing at the top of the world in Qatar. Although I don’t know how many years Massey will continue to run in the football world, he is likely to have finished the curtain call performance on the stage of the World Cup. After 26 games, the gorgeous turn was completed, all of which was the best arrangement in heaven.

It took less than two years for Macy to

let the world know how strong he is

let the world know how strong he is. It took less than two years for Macy to know how strong he is, but leading the team to hit the champion of the World Cup, Macy spent almost the whole career. Since his debut in Barcelona, he has been expected to have a smooth journey. When everyone saw that this young man with superb left-foot technology has the same huge potential as Maradona, it is hard for people not to compare him with that man. Since the club stage can no longer stop his progress, can Massey bring Argentina a World Cup champion like the old horse? They have been looking for answers since 2006. And this is 16 years.

That summer in Germany, no one would be demanding what he could do for his motherland at the age of 19, but in fact, he, who was wearing the 19th, still played his own advantages in many competitions, proving that he could come to Germany without a false reputation. Although the starting point of three goals was not high, however, everyone knew at that time that this teenager was by no means an ordinary person, and the future belonged to him. And it was in a World Cup cycle after that that that, Massey became a world-famous Super Giant. He won the Championship in Barcelona and got a soft hand. He broke the record and broke his feet. He had the opportunity to be the absolute core for the first time, start his second World Cup tour.

The trip to South Africa was the only World Cup he didn’t score

but the trip to South Africa was disappointing for both Massey and Argentina, that was the only match in his 5 World Cup tour without goals. He lost to his lifelong opponent Ronaldo in this competition and witnessed him becoming the first person in history. At the age of 23, under the condition of already dominating world soccer field, the particles did not receive in the World Cup. Argentina, which worked for, finally stopped at the top 8. His first trip to the World Cup, which was absolutely the core, was undoubtedly a failure and bitter. However, it would be a big mistake to think that this setback would defeat Macy. The following World Cup cycle was another four years of Argentine crazy “leveling, therefore, when he stood on the World Cup stage for the third time at the age of 27, people really believed that the Argentine captain” playing football with wind and light in his eyes “could bring them another madness.

Rio Maracana Stadium witnessed the killing of Germans in the 114th minute and the loneliness of Macy at that time. This kind of taste is undoubtedly the most bitter. His career in the club was almost smooth, but he encountered such a scene in the national team competition many times. This was the case in America’s Cup, and it was still the case in the World Cup. Massey, 27, can still wait. Four years later, he is another hero in Russia.

Indeed, when the World Cup in Russia began, Macy had almost no change from four years ago and was still so unstoppable, however, Argentina is no longer the American team that could enter the final four years ago. The aging of the defense line and the disconnection of inpre-market made Macy realize a word: “Tired”. In several matches, Macy almost gasped for 90 minutes, while the team stagnated. After being eliminated from the top 8 by the defending champion, the Argentine were heartbroken and speechless because they knew clearly that they missed this opportunity. Four years later, Qatar, I’m afraid they really can’t see the team led by Massey hitting the World Cup. After all, at that time, Mei’s king will be over 35 years old.

The 35-year-old led the team to win FIFA World Cup

is great and can not be copied

But Macy is Macy. After changing the club under great pressure, after a season, Massey returned to a good state comparable to the peak period. Qatar was his fifth chance to open his dream of the World Cup, and it was almost certainly the last time. Nothing else, spell it. However, it seems that there will be an unexpected start in novels. The trip to Qatar World Cup in Argentina started with a thrilling start. The embarrassing result of losing to Saudi Arabia in the first battle was that, let them have the worry and trouble of “going home” in advance. However, at the critical moment, Massey would not lose the chain. He proved this truth with goals and assists countless times, and this time in Qatar, he performed a similar good show. After passing through all the way, his 26th World Cup match, which is also the 7th World Cup tour in Qatar, came like this. Reasonable, but also a little unexpected.

The reason why he said so is that with his strength, it is enough to reach such a height, but at the same time, he has failed so many times in the past, which has made him grow up more than once, at the age of 35, he still led the team to launch an impact on FIFA World Cup and finally achieved this. Macy himself is great and unreplicable.

Text/Reporter Zhang Kunlong

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