
“Ragnarok” played the final chapter. Some people left nothing to regret, and some people made a good result.

There is an eternal topic in the World Cup, that is farewell. Even if you are the champion of new science, you will leave the stadium for the next trip after lifting FIFA World Cup high. In the early morning of 19th Beijing time, Qatar World Cup ended. Massey, 35, finally won the championship in his last World Cup through 16 years of unremitting progress, he lit up Argentine football with the last dusk of his career. At this moment, Macy and his teammates are the most dazzling stars over the bay.

In This World Cup, we waved goodbye to too many stars in turn. Bell, Suarez, Levandowski, Muller, Neuer, Modrich, Lorie, Giru, massey and DiMaria, who finally won FIFA World Cup, will also meet with the World Cup. The years are ruthless. In a flash, those with luxury dress teenagers in the past have already barely frosting on their temples. They outline the memories of a whole generation of fans. Even many years later, we will still recall that winter, ragnarok in Qatar “.

Reporter Yin Chengjun

The Final Chapter

When Maradona lifted FIFA World Cup in Mexico in 1986, all the players in this World Cup Argentina were not born yet. They did not witness the extraordinary style of “The King of the ball” with their own eyes, but inherited the power of “The King of the ball” to fight for honor. In the early morning of 19th Beijing time, after 36 years of waiting, the World Cup champion finally got this group of players.

Among them, there are two oldest players, Massey and DiMaria, brothers as close as brothers, who have made the greatest efforts for the last battle of their World Cup.

The 34-year-old Di Maria has been injured all the time this season, and he cannot undertake all the competition tasks after participating in this World Cup. However, in the most critical decisive battle, he must stand up, let the world know that what they are waiting for is this moment.

He walked fast on the left Road like his nickname “Angel”. He was infatuated and immersed in the art he created like a conductor of Symphony Orchestra, completely ignored the ten people opposite and the audience of more than 90,000. He didn’t have to look at anything, and only his last stubbornness created the 2:0 leading situation of Argentina.

However, mbapper tenaciously continued his life to France when there were still more than ten minutes left before the end of the game, 2:2. At this time, Macy seemed to see that eight years ago at Maracana Stadium in Brazil, when Argentina and Germany entered the overtime match helplessly, they were finally killed by Gezer.

The same mistake happened in a flash of thought. Whether to break through yourself bravely or fall down again tragically, Macy actually had no choice. In front of the camera, he smiled rarely. The big boy who once threw the ball and frowned sadly finally forgot everything in the past. He wanted to set a final example because beside him, more “big boys” need his courage and strength.

As expected, Lautaro, who was ten years younger than Macy, was blocked by goalkeeper Lorie in the second half of overtime power shot, and Macy followed up to make up the ball into the net. At this moment, he finally got out of the haze of the 2014 World Cup final. He waved his arms and shouted loudly to his teammates, the memory of being defeated by Gezer for a long time will always be left behind.

However, as the greatest club teammate and national team opponent of Massey, mbap made his last world war desperate again, 3:3. Massey’s final chapter is destined to end with penalty kick.

Learned from the lesson that Brazil didn’t use Neymar first in the penalty kick war. France and Argentina sent Mbappe and Massey in the first round. They set an example for their teammates, but the latter two players of the French team, Coleman and Chu Amini, both lost their chains, while the young men of the “blue and white army, but he finished his last leg with the most calm attitude. Dibala, pareses and Montiel can be said that they grew up from watching Massey play football when they were young, now they step by step let Massey climb to the throne.

For Macy personally, he finally completed the “Grand Slam” of his life in his twilight glow. Before the age of 34, he had nothing in the national team honor book except the Olympic champion, at this time, he had everything at the age of 35.

For Argentina, the strength of Massey is not only to help the team get FIFA World Cup, but to help all the players face all the challenges bravely with spirit and will. The last time “PAMPAS Eagle” won the championship was 36 years ago. Without Macy’s persistence and stubbornness, as time went by, the Glory cast on Argentine players would have been slowly exhausted, and Macy finally woke up all their dreams.


The 2006 World Cup in Germany 16 years ago was also an era of “Ragnarok. In that tournament, Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Nedved, Beckham, Owen, Rickel may, Figo and Zidane waved goodbye to the fans. They were the greatest stars of that era, which made football show more charming charm at the turn of the century, but they finally used their backs to freeze their gorgeous football career.

That World Cup was full of vitality and vigor, and everywhere was filled with the breath of youth. Beside the Portuguese superstar Figo, there was a young man with chestnut color curly hair, who was called Xiao Luo at that time. In front of the most energetic Argentina team, there was also a handsome young man with long hair beside her waist. At that time, he had a nickname called “Little Flea”. No one thought that two years later, these two young men became the “the legendary siblings” that dominated the football world for more than ten years. In this way, Ronaldo and Macy started to perform at the World Cup in Germany at the same time under the arrangement of fate, together, he ended the World Cup in Qatar 16 years later.

Not only the two of them, but Modrich, who was only 20 years old at that time, also started in the World Cup in Germany. At that time, the status of the Croatia team was absolutely not as prominent as it is now, and it was only an unimpressive second-and third-rate team. It was Modric who worked with his teammates that won a runner-up and a third place for the Croatia team in 16 years, thus joining the ranks of the world’s top teams.

The veteran retired and passed his shirt to a new generation of players. When Figo, wearing the No. 7 shirt, took the initiative to give penalty kick chance to the No. 17 Ronaldo, portuguese football completed its inheritance at that moment and continued the glory of the “golden generation”, creating a new height under the leadership of Ronaldo.

Rickel Mei also passed his No. 10 jersey to Macy. The Argentine team in 2006 was also 20 years away from Maradona’s victory. The blood was not cold, but the fate of the “PAMPAS Eagle” was bumpy and tortuous. The Ashes and sands were accompanied by the “Blue and White Legion” again and again “, even when Macy became the winner of several Golden Globe Awards, the team still got nothing.

However, Massey has always maintained the hottest desire for FIFA World Cup. His teammates, Mas Cerano, Teves, Palacio and Rodriguez, who participated in the World Cup for the first time with him in 2006, all retired, massey is still insisting that he will inherit Maradona, batistata, Rickel May and Aimar’s desire for glory. In 2022, he succeeded.

The veteran will leave after all, just like Zidane said goodbye sadly after the shock of the sky in 2006, just like Nedved said goodbye reluctantly after burning the last energy for the Czech team, just as Beckham tried his best but still couldn’t take England out of the strange circle and said goodbye helplessly. The fire will inherit, the dream will continue, they will not be young forever, but there will always be young people walking along their path. Today, 16 years later, we still often think of the stars who said goodbye to the 2006 World Cup, just as many years later, we will still remember the final movement written by Modrich, Macy, DiMaria and Giru in this World Cup.


There is only one World Cup champion. When Massey and DiMaria left Qatar contentedly with “FIFA World Cup, those veterans who also welcomed the” Ragnarok “could only silently look at their backs and lament the hurry of time.

Yeah, it would be nice to be a few years younger. Although the 37-year-old C Luo always maintained strict self-discipline and welcomed his last World Cup with perfect physical health and mental state, he was indeed embarrassed by the ruthless years, in the middle of the race, the tenacious Ronaldo could only accept the arrangement of being a substitute. When he jumped higher than the young man of the Moroccan team, the chance of winning the championship of the Portuguese team was actually slowly passing. This is a World Cup that was not perfect for C Luo. Before the Cup began, he encountered many difficulties, such as unsuccessful transfer, bench-cooling, punishment in the team, bombing Manchester United until he was angry to terminate the contract, but he still maintains his highest desire for the World Cup. In the end, he still failed to cross that threshold. At the age of 37, he basically had no chance for the next time.

The 37-year-old Modrich, the 34-year-old Benzema and the 33-year-old Bell also had no chance to win the World Cup. In the club competition, they are all superstars with honor like Ronaldo, especially winning the Champions League three successive championships for Real Madrid in 2018, creating a unique legendary record in football history. However, they could not raise the “FIFA World Cup” to make their career reach the peak.

Different from Ronaldo, although 34-year-old busketz, 36-year-old Giru, 33-year-old Muller and 36-year-old Neuer also failed to win the championship in this World Cup, however, after all, they have won the “FIFA World Cup” and once had a hard time in the sea. At the end of their career, how many regrets did they have in their hearts to bid farewell to the World Cup with the last effort?

The Qatar World Cup came to an end under the stars in the Persian Gulf, and “Ragnarok” also ushered in the night. Every group of stars who left took away the dream they couldn’t give up, what is left is the memory of the fans. Many years later, will you and I still remember the joy and expectation brought to us by this World Cup?

(Source: Qilu Evening News, December 20, 2022, A11 edition)

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