
Two sessions of physical education | Zhang Yuyi: Schools need more “champion PE classes”

Beijing, Beijing, March 8th (Xinhua): Zhang Yuyi: The school needs more “champion PE classes”

reporter Bian Liqun

“I was a little nervous when I first arrived, but more excited. When I entered the Great Hall of the people for a meeting, I felt that my responsibilities and responsibilities were heavier.” As a young representative of the National People’s Congress of the “post-95 s”, Olympic champion Zhang Yuyi sighed to the reporter.

During the busy period of performance, Zhang Yuqian was interviewed by the reporter of zhongxin.com. She said that she hoped that excellent retired athletes and coaches could enter the school to engage in physical education, stimulate children’s interest in participating in sports and impart some professional knowledge at the same time.

Do not forget to train during the meeting

Zhang Yuyi, who was born in 1998, has already changed from “little fish” to “behind the Butterfly” and “clock in” the champion of the Olympic Games, Asian Games, National Games and other competitions.

It is more than half a year away from the Hangzhou Asian Games, and Zhang Yuyi is in a tense preparation. In addition to this meeting, Zhang Yuyi gave consideration to basic training. She revealed that she would go to the gym and swimming pool of the hotel for training when she was relatively busy at night to maintain strength and water sense.

Data Picture: Zhang Yuyi was in the Tokyo Olympic Games. China News Service reporter FOOD-SWEET photo

Data Picture: Zhang Yuyi was in the Tokyo Olympic Games. China News Service reporter took photos on FOOD-SWEET

because it was the first time to attend the meeting as a representative of the National People’s Congress, Zhang Yuzhen said frankly that he was a little nervous, but more excited. “I can come here without the support and trust of the country and the people. When I entered the Great Hall of the people for a meeting, I felt more responsible and responsible.”

Before attending the meeting in Beijing, in addition to preparing the bill, Zhang Yuyi also consulted the predecessors who had served as representatives in the team, and the sense of ceremony was full of the podium-wear of the Chinese sports delegation of the Tokyo Olympic Games, and formal wear different from podium-wear.

I hope there will be more” champion physical education classes “on campus

Zhang Yuqian’s focus on the development of “champion physical education classes” during his performance this time, she revealed to the reporter of zhongxin.com, this idea originated from the “14th Five-Year Plan” for sports development issued by the State Sports General Administration before, which clearly mentioned that excellent retired athletes and coaches could enter the school to engage in sports teaching and training channels. However, through daily research, she found that this requirement is not ideal in implementation and implementation.

Zhang Yuyi suggested that the idea of” champion PE class “also originated from her family and friends. “My mother is a physical education teacher with 28 years of teaching experience. My sister is now a junior high school student and will take the senior high school entrance examination immediately. Many of my classmates have passed the teacher qualification certificate and entered primary and secondary schools. Netizens are also very concerned about physical education in primary and secondary schools. Under multiple factors, we put forward this initiative again.”

” In our Jiangsu delegation, many representatives think this proposal is very good and hope it can be implemented. After all, teenagers are the future of our motherland. I hope teenagers can have a good health, only in this way can we have better energy to study and do some career for our motherland in the future.” Zhang Yuqi said.

Talking about how to carry out the” champion sports class “, Zhang Yuyi said:” (this job) is not based on making more teenagers professionally engage in swimming, it is hoped that some retired excellent athletes will enter the campus to communicate with children and make friends, so as to stimulate their interest in sports rather than simply attend classes. On this basis, by the way, teach children some more professional and less vulnerable methods. Because I also noticed that there are many so-called physical education courses on the Internet, which are actually not systematic and authoritative enough.”

Target impact Asian Games MVP

2023 is a very important year for Zhang Yuzhang. Both the World Swimming Championships and the Asian Games double major competitions will be held this year. In this regard, Zhang Yuqian made a lot of targeted preparations.

” My 2023 year is around the world championships and the Asian Games. There are more Asian Games events, about 6 or 7, so the focus is still around the Asian Games.” Zhang Yuqi said.

She has a lot of expectations for the Hangzhou Asian Games at home half a year later. Zhang Yuyi revealed to the reporter of zhongxin.com that his biggest goal is to win the Asian Games MVP (the most valuable athlete).

In addition, she is also looking forward to winning a world record of her own, completing the Grand Slam and collecting the last ring of the 200-meter butterfly Grand Slam. (Finished)

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